Saturday, January 25, 2020

The formation of friction ridge skin

The formation of friction ridge skin The formation of friction ridge skin and how it relates to the permanence of fingerprints A large part of the human body is protected by a layer of skin that is reasonably free from difficulties or impediments. Friction Ridges can be found on our fingers, the bottom of our feet and on the palms of our hands. They are called friction ridges is because one of their main functions is to help us easily take hold of objects (Girard, 2008). The friction ridges deposits things like sweat and other types of contaminants directly to any surface that it comes in contact with. The impression which is left behind is an exact reproduction of the part of friction ridge skin that touched the surface. A lot of times the impression cannot be seen with the naked eye so hence the reason why it is called a latent print, which means that the print is there but not clear to the vision (Keogh, 2001). During the third to fourth month of the development of a fetus fingerprints are distinguished. These fingerprints are made up of individual traits known as bifurcations, ridge endings, dots and many other ridge shape differences. Single kinship of individual distinguishing trait does not change throughout an individuals life, until the individual dies and the body decomposes (Keogh, 2001). After the fingerprint of the infant is formed, the growing ridges are a lot like taking a pen and drawing a face on a balloon then blowing up the balloon to see if the face will open up consistently in all different directions. Perverse alterations to fingerprints include cuts or injuries that are very deep and penetrating all layers of the outer epithelial layer of the skin and other diseases like leprosy (Girard, 2008). Except for if an individual has any type of cuts, or scarring on the fingers their prints never change and there is no similarity between two fingerprints. The lines on the hands and feet of all individuals have three characteristics (ridge endings, bifurcations and dots) which are evident in sequences that never recur on the feet and hands of any two individuals. A ridge ending is merely the end of a line (also known as an ending ridge). A split of an individual ridge that is shaped into two is known as a bifurcation. A short ridge that is similar to a dot is called a dot. Up until recently these two premises has been introduced as three propositions. The first is that before birth friction ridges are developed on the unborn. Secondly, there is no change of friction ridges as an individual age and throughout their lifetime with the exception for scars left permanently from an accident or serious injury. Thirdly, the patterns and details in areas that are very small on friction ridge s are unlike any other and are never recurring What is the scientific method, and how is this theory applied to fingerprint analysis? The scientific method also known as ACE-V is the abbreviation for the analysis or modified version of the scientific method that is followed by friction ridge examiners: Analyzing, Comparing, Evaluating, Verifying. The first time that ACE-V was used for physical evidence was in 1960 and ridge detail in 1980. Inspector Roy A. Huber, RCMP, developed the ACE-V process and Sergeant David Ashbaugh, RCMP, made this process popular among the friction ridge identification field. Analyze The first step which is analysis, compels the expert to test and dissect all variables that has an affect on the friction ridge characteristics in question. Once latent fingerprints are being tested there are quite a few factors that one has to be considered and probed into. Some of these factors are the material upon which the latent print has been placed, the process of development, pressure distortion, and elements on the outside like blood and grease. The amount and type of latent print ridges has an effect on the testers competence to carry out the next phase. The end of the analysis process determines whether there is sufficient information existing to go on to the next step (Jones, 2006). Compare The process of comparing bring into play the known model with which the latent print must be compared. At this particular point, there is also another aspect of analysis occurring. This analyzing is of the known model in an effort to bring about the suitability for achieving the end result set out in the information above. There is a possibility that the recognized model may have fingerprint images that had too much ink, or was smudged so therefore it was not reliable, stopping a comparison from being definitive. The process of comparison starts with determining the overall ridge circulation and fit in an effort to orient in a proper manner the latent print with an accompanying area of the known model fingerprint. This is usually followed by choosing key traits, understanding their position, trend and relationship and then showing the differences of this structure with the structure in the known models. The type and amount of this information directly affects how easy or di fficult the process is (Jones, 2006). Evaluate The conclusion of the comparing is the evaluating process or making a conclusion. The overall fingerprint society refers to the end result drawn as being one of three options. First, the two characteristics (the latent and the known print) were made by the exact finger of the same individual. Second, the latent characteristic has not been produced by any of the fingers of the model fingerprints. And thirdly, an ending of the comparing could not be accomplished, and this is due to the fact that there is not enough clarity or the lack of area to be compared in the known models. (Jones, 2006). Verify The final process is verification. The overall guide is that the process of establishing identity must be confirmed by another individual or expert who is qualified. This process of confirmation by a second examiner is a self governing test of both fingerprint characteristic (latent fingerprint and known model fingerprint) applying the scientific procedures of analysis, comparison and evaluation described above (Jones, 2006). There have been some recent challenges in New Hampshire vs. Richard Langill and Maryland vs. Bryan Rose. These two cases have pinpointed a couple of issues that are important for the latent print community: documentation and the rate of error. Each step of the ACE-V process or its equivalent needs better. In order to rebuild that analysis, enough documents are needed. By documenting the relevant information gathered during the analyzing, evaluating, and comparing of latent prints so the ground work for the conclusion (identifying, excluding, or inconclusive), the tester will produce a transparent record of the procedure and that way supply the courts with more information to determine how reliable that particular method is for a for a exact case. At present, examiners are not required to document, within a latent support, which features support both their reasoning and support.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Elements of Effective Layout by Dorothy Cohen Essay

Marketing, a strategy to attract a person’s attention to a visual element, is part of today’s commercially based economy. In Dorothy Cohen’s Elements of Effective Layout, the author illustrates her principle argument through means of persuasion focuses on how a given layout can indeed attract attention and how the dominant requisites of an effective marketing layout are, in fact, balance, movement, proportion, simplicity and clarity, unity and emphasis. Within the text, a segment focusing on unity and how it is an important element of attracting attention, Cohen argues: â€Å"A border surrounding an ad provides a method of achieving unity. Sets of borders may occur within an ad, and, when they are similar in thickness and tone they provide a sense of unity. † Here, the author debates about how the graphic requisites of attraction in advertising are crucial in order to spark interest to a viewer. This process is best defined when describing the unity requisite of graphic layout by Cohen when she describes the similarities in ‘thickness’ and ‘tone’ providing a strong sense of unity. The author begins by describing the balance requisite and how an advertisement can rely on how ‘visual weight’ is distributed within its ‘landscape’. In this first section of the article mathematical terms are used to illicit a sense of visual and spatial concepts, for example the ‘fulcrum’ or balancing point. In a secondary section, proportion is emphasized in regards to aesthetic layout in a graphic representation to best describe the size of an element in regards to the rest of the image/picture/advertisement. More specifically, it is demonstrated that non-proportional images use the proportion of a layout to fortify a particular theme or underlying message. In a third section, the movement aspect of graphic layout is explained as a sequence which enables directional flow in order to direct the interpreter into a coherent and cohesive manner. Typically via, either, gaze motion or structural motion which can differ from one individual to another. The fourth requisite of graphic layout is unity, this element being an important aspect of interpretation, is how Cohen identifies the combination of all aesthetic, structural and visual aspects of the image form a whole in order to display the intended message. This being the accumulation of the graphic representation as a whole is dominantly the main aspect when summing up the advertisement in its entirety. Particular attention is paid to form and the use of white space in order to bring out all aspects rendering a thorough representation of a particular theme or idea. Also, another section pertains to the clarity and simplicity, which tells us about how the message will generally be interpreted and what will be the outcome of such a message when displayed. Lastly, Cohen discusses emphasis in order to best identify how the most important element is emphasized in order to strengthen the intended point behind the advertisement. Although the information provided within this text is accurate, the segment concerning unity and how the border of a graphic layout achieves a sense of unity by adding a boundary is appropriate for the particular topic, but has a fallacy that of hasty generalization. For some, such boundaries help strengthen the image’s unity, but others may simply see such boundaries as limits or borders. This generalization is also hasty, because the thickness can identify the unity of the advertisement, but can also identify the particular look or style the creator is attempting to illustrate. The information within this passage is certainly accurate, but is not final. In my response, the provided information regarding graphic layout may be illegitimate, because I am not studying marketing, but as an individual or interpreter of an advertisement I know that borders that are similar in tone and thickness do help unify the image, but don’t make the graphic layout limitless or one-sided. As an interpreter, I can justly see such borders as a means to create boundaries keeping the strengths of the image concealed within a structured environment as opposed to a united one. This article helps illustrate the fundamentals behind graphic layout and advertisement in contemporary marketing strategies. Cohen reveals such concepts in an essay on unfairness about trade regulating rules where advertising takes a whole new approach towards legality of advertising and appropriate demonstrations of graphic layout (Cohen, 1982).

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Why Are Strategic Decisions Different from Other Kinds of...

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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Mcbride Financial Services Marketing Plan - 1373 Words

McBride Financial Marketing Plan Based out of Boise, Idaho, McBride Financial Services is a small mortgage lender that is in its beginning stages. The firm’s focus will be in standard, FHA, and VHA loans for home refinancing and purchasing. The company hopes to increase its offices into Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. â€Å"McBride Financial Services will be the preeminent provider of low cost mortgage services using state of the art technology in the five state area of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota.† (University of Phoenix, 2005, 2011, para. 2). McBride Financial Services has decided to redesign it’s marketing plan so they can reach individuals that fit the profile of the type of consumer that†¦show more content†¦Braime (2012), Social media is an essential marketing tool. Not only can it expose your work to a world-wide audience, but it also gives you a chance to convert those audience members into paying clients.† (para. 1). The choice to move to social media advertising is an appropriate choice to connect with families and professionals to get word out about McBride Financial Services. Radio and television advertisements focus on a wide variety of age groups. They break down the schedule to show shows at different times. The Prime Times are from 7PM to 9PM when families can watch a show together. They strategically place particular advertising to market to these individuals. Research must be done in order to determine which television and radio stations have the highest volume of listeners and viewers that fit this genre. Newspaper advertisements focus on individuals that are around the retirement age and will only be effective in areas that have a high population of individuals that fit into this age group. Research into various areas to see where these target populations are highest will be important to determine where to advertise as well as in which newspapers, and then McBride Financial Services will see the business from the retiree targets draw to them. Internet advertisements should be done strategically using niche marketing. This is a process of advertising a service or product on certain websites that potential clients would be viewing.Show MoreRelatedMarketing Plan for Mcbride Financial Services1182 Words   |  5 PagesMarketing Plan for McBride Financial Services McBride Financial Services is a start-up regional mortgage lender. They are headquartered in Boise, Idaho and plan to expand into a five state operation. The firm specializes in FHA, VA, and conventional home loans and refinancing. Upon approved credit, McBride Financial Services will provide a credit report, a home inspection, an appraisal, and mortgages at the lowest rate available at the time, for a very low price. 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Facilitator  Information  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Read MoreCorporate Governance Benchmarking3369 Words   |  14 PagesGovernance Benchmarking University of Phoenix Corporate Governance MMPBL 570 November 30, 2009 Corporate Governance Benchmarking McBride Financial Services Inc. is a low cost mortgage provider located in Boise, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, as well as North and South Dakota. Recently, Beltway Investments became the majority investor in McBride Financial Services, Inc. As a result, McBride’s CEO needs the board of directors’ collaboration while setting up internal governance controls and ensuringRead MoreSof-a-Logue Unit 2 Ip Script Mky6511817 Words   |  8 PagesScript Slide 1: Welcome to the strategic marketing plan for Sof-A-Logue. Slide 2: has been in the social media business for 10 years. 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